The Radiodetection RD8100 RF marker and cable locator is designed for excavation professionals who need to be able to locate RF markers and underground cables and pipes. Using the RD8100 cable locator contributes to a proactive safety culture within your organisation and reduces the risk of serious excavation accidents, such as arcing and electrocution, which can be fatal.

RADIODETECTION RD8100 RF marker locator
Locate buried cables and pipes as well as RF markers with one locator device
All this means that users only need one device, saving time, costs and effort. A combined cable and marker line mode with automatic depth measurement of the markers is featured in the Radiodetection RD8100 RF cable locator. As a result, users can complete jobs faster without compromising on quality.
Easily adapts to varying circumstances
While performing a localisation, conditions can change, requiring the operator to switch between higher and lower frequencies (e.g. when transitioning between main lines and service lines). With iLOC, you can change the frequency or power of your transmitter up to 450 metres away.
Trace high-impedance utility lines with 4 kHz
The 4 kHz localisation frequency allows lines such as telecom pairs or street lighting to be tracked over longer distances. As such utility lines are often in areas with dense infrastructure, you can combine 4 kHz with CD to improve tracking accuracy.
RF markers for difficult to pinpoint utilities
RF (Radio Frequency) markers are used to easily locate hard-to-locate utilities, such as plastic pipes, fibre-optic cables or critical points in dense network structures. They are usually placed directly on the component to be marked. RF markers are also called marker balls, pipe markers, Electronic Marker System (EMS) or Omni markers.
Reduce excavation damage and increase safety for users
By using the Radiodetection RD8100 RF marker and cable locator, you reduce not only the risk of excavation damage, but also the likelihood of your employees becoming involved in dangerous incidents during excavation work. StrikeAlert, available in both active and passive locating modes, provides visible and audible warnings of shallow cables, significantly reducing the risk of accidents.
- High-performing audio and vibration alerts
- TruDepth for extra security
- Rugged, IP65 classified
- Combined localisation mode
- Reduce the risk of accidents with StrikeAlert
- RF marker locator and cable locator in one
Want to know more about our precision locators, or make an appointment for a demonstration? Get in touch using the buttons below or call us directly on +31 297 769 101.